Welcome Letter from the Clive Davis Institute Equity Task Force
October 5, 2020
To the Clive Davis Institute Community:
As a follow-up to Interim Chair Sheril Antonio’s charge email entitled “Equity Task Force Announcement,” we would like to tell you more about the Clive Davis Institue Equity Task Force. We are a diverse group of faculty, students and staff whose role is to foster and help realize equity, accessibility, belonging and inclusion at the Clive Davis Institute.
As Task Force members, we believe that those ideals—inclusion, diversity, equity, belonging, and accessibility—are essential, integral aspects of what it means to pursue excellence at any institution of higher learning. We are committed to those ideals, even as we are aware that there are often gaps between institutional objectives of inclusion and belonging, and their realization. Those gaps are not just theoretical--they are lived and experienced, sometimes in difficult ways, by students, staff and faculty alike.
The Equity Task Force has definitive and specific objectives that we intend to achieve in our official role as a task force (as opposed to a committee). Beyond just offering recommendations specific actions to improve diversity, inclusion, equity, accessibility and belonging at the Clive Davis Institute, our charge is to implement meaningful policies and practices at the Clive Davis Institute and TSOA in consultation and collaboration with the Clive Davis Institute and TSOA leadership. Those policies and practices are mandated by and fully consistent with Tisch’s Diversity Commitments (TSOA Actions Against Racial Inequities,) and they are consistent with the work of the NYU Office of Global Inclusion and Diversity.
Our mission statement is as follows:
Comprised of faculty, administrative & technical staff, students, and alumni, The Clive Davis Institute Equity Task Force will take action to build a better, safer, and more equitable NYU Clive Davis Institute of Recorded Music. Our role is to assess the current state of inclusion, diversity, belonging, equity and accessibility (IDBEA) at the Clive Davis Institute, and to recommend, advance and implement policies and practices that embed IDBEA core values in all aspects of the Clive Davis Institute experience. We work collaboratively to foster a culture of personal, interpersonal and institutional accountability through listening, reflection, review, research, investigation, data collection, advising, advocacy, recommendation and support (among other methods). Our work is mandated by and wholly consistent with Tisch Actions Against Racial Inequities and with the stated goals of the NYU Office of Global Inclusion and Diversity. We encourage faculty, staff, and students to grow and develop in their understanding of diversity, equity, belonging, accessibility and inclusion.
We will shortly be announcing our inaugural public initiatives. And we will be working to institute a forthcoming student and alumni advisory board that will allow us to include even more diverse voices in the work we are planning. In general, we look forward to having conversations and advocating for policies and procedures that support a more fluid space for building, changing, growing, and flourishing as a program. And as our work takes shape, we will be working closely with Sheril Antonio, the Clive Davis Institute interim Chair, and closely with all members of the Clive Davis Institute community including faculty, staff, students and alumni. We intend to work closely with the next the Clive Davis Institute Chair. We are proud to lead the charge for this inaugural Task Force, and we are serious about taking action towards the realization of a better and more equitable ReMu.
If you have any questions, please get in touch via remuequitytaskforce@nyu.edu.
2020-2021 Equity Task Force Members:
Dan Charnas, Associate Arts Professor
Lauren Davis, Arts Professor; Director of Business Studies
Jason King, Associate Professor; Director of Writing, History & Emergent Media Studies; Director of Global Studies
Matthew D. Morrison, Assistant Professor
JD Samson, Assistant Arts Professor
Kyle Alfred, Administrative Aide II
Ayanna Wilson, Faculty Services Administrator
Cameron Franklin, REMU 2021
Dani Tyas, REMU 2022
Maya Lopez, REMU 2023
Dana McCoy, REMU 2020
Kyra Williams, REMU 2020