Innovators and intellectuals from around the world converge to push the possibilities of cultural production.

We offer an intensive one-year MA in Arts Politics and an undergraduate minor taught by internationally recognized leaders in their fields. Our program is a meeting place for arts activists whose work cannot be contained by a single discipline or motivation. We rigorously explore the interplay between critical theory and creative practice.

Our flexible curriculum allows students to develop highly individualized paths of research and professional development. Our graduates are connected to the pulse of social justice on six continents. They work as artists and scholars, curators and activists, arts administrators, educators and cultural innovators. 

We provide a space for action and reflection. We push our students to think about their role in a transnational world that must contend with issues around race, class, gender, sexuality, dis/ability, and religion. Our courses examine histories of political frameworks in the arts, as well as contemporary advocacy strategies and tactics for change. Together we ask, “How do we make the world anew?”
