Graduate Admissions

Now accepting applications for 2025!

To apply to a Tisch graduate program, you’ll need to submit the General Graduate Application to Tisch School of the Arts, as well as a department-specific portfolio or creative supplement. Each of these can be submitted online. The Office of Graduate Admissions manages the application process in close consultation with each department.

International applicants should be sure to visit the International Applicant Requirement Page by clicking on the box on the left side of this page.

Those with international credentials should check to ensure that their credentials are equivalent to an American Bachelor’s degree before applying.

All programs begin in the fall with the exception of the IMA Low Residency MA program, which starts in the summer. 

Application Deadlines


Graduate Film MFA
MFA/MBA Dual Degree in Film


Cinema Studies MA
Cinema Studies PhD
Dramatic Writing MFA
Game Design MFA
Interactive Telecommunications Program MPS secondary deadline: January 10


IMA Low Residency MA secondary deadline: February 15*
Virtual Production MPS extended to January 2

*IMA applicants who apply earlier receive higher consideration for scholarship


Design for Stage & Film MFA extended to January 12
Graduate Acting MFA


Arts Politics MA extended to February 12
Moving Image Archiving & Preservation MA extended to January 24
Performance Studies MA extended to January 24
Performance Studies PhD


Dance Interdisciplinary Research MFA
Graduate Musical Theatre Writing MFA extended to February 17


Media Producing MA

Application Requirements

Each department has its own set of requirements, so we’ve provided a step-by-step guide to applying with portfolio requirements and links for more information.

Arts Politics



  1. Professional Resume - listing creative and academic background, work experience, creative work, critical writing, civic, activist, and community-based engagements, performances, installations, published work, etc

  2. Statement of Purpose –  500 - 1,000 words, double-spaced pages, addressing the following questions:
    (a) What has prepared you to come to the Arts Politics M.A. Program? Why now?
    (b) Describe your work, and the relationship between Art and Politics that has arisen in your practice. What questions are you currently exploring?
    (c) What do you want to learn from your time in the Arts Politics M.A. Program? Is there a project or intervention that you want to engage?

  3. Writing Sample – 1,500 - 3,000 words, double-spaced pages. We are eager to know how your thinking and analysis are reflected in your writing. Please share a sample of your writing that conveys your ability to carry out sustained academic research and critical writing. A substantive essay from your previous scholarly, creative or activist work is recommended.

  4. Two Letters of Recommendation – submitted using the online letter of recommendation system.

  5. Copies of Academic Transcripts - from any schools in which you received a college degree or attended for two or more years.

International applicants must also complete the requirements as outlined in the International Application Requirements page, including demonstration of strong English language proficiency.


Cinema Studies MA


Admission to Graduate Cinema Studies is based on previous academic achievement, a personal statement, a writing sample, and two letters of recommendation.

In addition to the general Tisch Graduate Application, please prepare the following:

  1. A professional résumé listing academic background, work experience, honors, affiliations with professional organizations, papers presented at conferences, published work, language ability, etc.

  2. A statement of purpose (two to three double-spaced pages) outlining your academic and professional background, goals, and what you hope to gain from the program.

  3. A writing sample (15-20 double-spaced pages) that reflects your ability to carry out sustained critical, theoretical, and/or historical thinking on film, television, video, and/or new media. In the absence of a moving image–related topic, a piece of writing on a subject in the arts or humanities is acceptable. All samples must be written in English. Untranslated samples will not be considered.

Please attach the documents to the online application, including copies of academic transcripts and two letters of recommendation.


Cinema Studies Ph.D.


A previously earned master’s degree is required for applicants wishing to enter directly into the doctoral program. A completed MA or MS is required for consideration. The Ph.D. program does not accept MPS degrees.

NOTE: The GRE is no longer required for the Cinema Studies Ph.D. program. 

In addition to the general Tisch Graduate Application, please prepare the following:

  1. professional résumé listing academic background, work experience, honors, affiliations with professional organizations, papers presented at conferences, published work, language ability, etc.

  2. statement of purpose (two to three double-spaced pages) outlining your academic and professional background, goals, and what you hope to gain from the program.

  3. writing sample (15-20 double-spaced pages) that reflects your ability to carry out sustained critical, theoretical, and/or historical thinking on film, television, video, and/or new media. In the absence of a moving image–related topic, a piece of writing on a subject in the arts or humanities is acceptable. All samples must be written in English. Untranslated samples will not be considered.

Please attach the documents to the online application, including copies of academic transcripts (both undergraduate and masters) and two letters of recommendation.  


Dance Interdisciplinary Research

Applicants to the Dance Interdisciplinary Research program are expected to have at least seven years of professional experience prior to applying to the MFA program. Those applying straight from an undergraduate program or that do not have the required experience will not be considered for admission.

Please submit the following in addition to the basic application requirements:

  • A copy of your most recent curriculum vitae.
  • A 2-3 page, single-spaced essay explaining your purpose in undertaking graduate study in this particular program. This is your opportunity to introduce yourself and inform the admissions committee about your goals, interests, and career plans as they relate to your intended academic pursuits.
  • a 2-4 page statement focusing on a creative or academic concept you would like to pursue. While a research plan that is in its early stages is welcome, you may also include details (methods, timeline, and resources) if applicable. 
  • A minimum of 3 work samples from the last 3-4 years, and/or links that you feel will show your particular approach/approaches to the dance field. These can consist of a variety of formats: short films (max. 5 minutes), websites, writings, or photographs. Please include an overview (one paragraph) with a short description of each submission.
Learn more about the MFA Program

Design for Stage and Film


Please follow the three steps outlined below.


A graduate candidate in design must submit the application provided by the Tisch Office of Graduate Admissions, stating the particular field of interest. Final decisions of acceptance depend on completing both departmental interview/portfolio requirements and New York University admissions requirements.


Please submit a digital portfolio of your work with the online application.


We will contact you to schedule an interview and you will be able to choose your preferred date from options that will be provided. Interviews will be conducted in-person in New York City. If you are unable to come to NY, a Zoom interview can be scheduled. We understand that travel restrictions and distance can keep applicants from traveling to New York, but please make every effort to attend an in person interview.



Dramatic Writing

In order to complete your application to Graduate Dramatic Writing, you must submit the general Tisch Graduate Application and a creative portfolio.


Game Design


Your creative portfolio uploaded to Slate must contain the following:

A 1-page resume, listing projects (game-related or otherwise) you have worked on, as well as all relevant work experience.

A personal statement of no more than 2 pages, in PDF format. In the personal statement, please tell us what interests you most about games and share your personal vision for how you see yourself making an impact in this field. For example, you could speculate on what you might create for your thesis (a year-long, usually collaborative project). You could also discuss an area of focus for your studies and what you feel you can best contribute to group projects. What makes you a strong candidate for the program?

A critical analysis of any game, of no more than 1 page, in PDF format. It should be a thoughtful and insightful analysis of one or more aspects of the game. We are not looking for a description of the game but instead you should demonstrate some insight into how the game works.

One or two projects, which could include digital games, non-digital games, game-related websites, visual designs, writings about games, or other creative projects. While you are welcome to submit more than one project, especially if you’d like to showcase diverse talents, we recommend that you curate your portfolio carefully and show only your best work. Please upload your pieces individually – zipping your files is heavily discouraged.

A 1-page design statement (in PDF format) must accompany each project that summarizes the project, outlines the intentions for each project, your personal contribution (if it is a group project), and a statement about what you learned from the project. At the end of the design statement, please list all of the files you are providing that are associated with the project.


Graduate Acting

Graduate Acting Production


In a typical year, the Graduate Acting Department will personally audition more than 800 students in order to select an ensemble of 16 actors. Ideally, each ensemble is diverse, both in cultural background and practical experience. Each actor’s story is unique and each brings something important to the ensemble.

In order to apply to the Graduate Acting program, you must complete the general Tisch Graduate Application online and schedule an in-person audition. For your audition, you’ll need four monologues of no more than two minutes each, and 16 bars of a song that you can perform a cappella.


Graduate Film


A filmmaking background is not a prerequisite for admission to the Tisch School of the Arts; when we evaluate the visual and written portion of your application, we’ll be looking for evidence of potential creative ability.

The application has two required components:

  1. The general Tisch Graduate Application, along with any required academic documentation, testing, recommendations, and supporting credentials.
  2. A five-part creative portfolio, which you’ll submit via Slideroom, the Department’s online application system. This portfolio includes both visual and written submissions.

Graduate Musical Theatre Writing

MFA Admissions Requirements

1. A detailed resume.  Include both professional, theatrical, creative and other work experience.  Composers, please include a complete list of works.

2. Sample Work:

A. Composers and Lyricists:

Recordings, no more than 20 minutes in length, plus relevant materials such as scores, lyric sheets, charts, youtube links or standard video formats, etc.  Excerpts from a musical theatre piece are preferred, but other works (e.g., pop songs, song cycles, instrumental works, poetry, etc.) demonstrating a wide stylistic range are also encouraged.  Please include a libretto and brief synopsis for the musical you are submitting, if available.

B. Bookwriters/Playwrights:

A pdf of a script for a musical theatre piece and recordings of songs written for it, or a pdf of a script of a play. Include a synopsis and reviews, if available.  Non-playwrights may apply and should submit a portfolio that reflects their recent work (i.e. poetry, fiction, non-fiction).

3.  This Graduate Musical Theatre Writing Program application (including exercises) which is a part of the general graduate application.


IMA Low Residency Program

IMA Low Res

The Global Low Residency MA degree in Interactive Media Arts is a unique and exciting graduate school experience that aims to challenge the norms for accessibility in higher education. Rooted in a maker culture of “learning by doing”, this new program offers students a degree focused on the production, application, and understanding of interactive media for creative expression and critical engagement. By participating in this program, graduates will be empowered to more thoughtfully engage with the interactive media technologies, systems, materials and actors informing our world today.


Interactive Telecommunications Program

ITP class


A background in design or computer programming is not required for acceptance into ITP; we’re looking for applicants from a diverse range of educational and professional backgrounds who want to explore and create new forms of communication and expression using interactive multimedia technologies.

Acceptance into the program is competitive; enrollment is limited to full-time applicants who show exceptional promise and are interested in collaboration and experimentation. Admission for degree candidates is for the Fall semester only. All students entering the program must hold a bachelor’s degree in any subject matter. No entrance examination is required, but international students must take the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) exam. (IELTS results are accepted as well).

Once you’ve completed the general Tisch Graduate Application, you’ll prepare and submit a creative portfolio. This includes a personal statement, resume, letters of recommendation, and all official transcripts.


Media Producing

The MA in Media Producing is a 32-credit online program. Students explore various forms of narrative structure and other important elements that contribute to the success of a film or television show. 


  • Statement of Purpose
  • Resume
  • Two Letters of Recommendation
  • Academic Transcripts
  • 2-Minute Introductory Video
  • Creative Portfolio

MBA/MFA Degree - Film


In order to enroll in the NYU MBA/MFA dual-degree program, students will need to be accepted by both Tisch and Stern. This involves two separate processes, one for each school. In addition to the general Tisch Graduate Application, applicants to the Tisch MFA Film Producing program will be required to submit a creative portfolio showcasing their work, featuring both visual and written submissions.


Performance Studies MA


Admission to the Master’s program in Performance Studies is based on an evaluation of previous academic achievements, presence of a clear scholarly focus, and compatibility with the philosophy of the program. Master’s students begin their full-time enrollment in the Fall.

In addition to the general Tisch Graduate Application, we ask that you prepare the following:

  1. A statement of purpose (three to five double-spaced pages, maximum) that addresses:

    a.) your specific research interest in the field of Performance Studies

    b.) why you are applying to this program (and not a more traditional program such as anthropology, dance, or theatre)

    c.) how your academic, professional, and/or artistic background make you an ideal candidate for the program. 

  2. A writing sample (10-15 double-spaced pages, maximum) that reflects your ability to carry out sustained academic research and writing, preferably one that relates to the field of Performance Studies. (10- to 15 double-spaced pages, maximum.)

  3. Two letters of recommendation

  4. All academic transcripts

  5. A professional resumé listing academic background, work experience, honors, affiliations with professional organizations, papers presented at conferences, published work, etc.

The resumé, statement of purpose, writing sample, and recommendations should be attached to your online application for admission. GREs are not required. Ideally, academic credentials will be uploaded as scanned documents along with the application for admission. They also may be transmitted electronically through a secure third-party service. Check with your school's records or credential-issuing office to see if this kind of service is available. You also can mail, or instruct your school to mail, one copy of your educational record to:

Office of Graduate Admissions 726 Broadway, 2nd Floor New York, NY 10003

(Please note that you may upload transcripts or have them mailed in. You do not have to do both.)


Performance Studies Ph.D.


The Ph.D. program in Performance Studies is small and rigorous. It offers intensive training for students who wish to become the new leaders of the field. The Tisch Performance Studies program accepts up to four new students a year. Ph.D. students begin full-time enrollment in September.

A previously earned master’s degree is required for applicants wishing to enter directly into the doctoral program. A completed MA or MS is required for consideration. The Ph.D. program does not accept MPS or MFA degrees.

In addition to the general Tisch Graduate Application, we ask that you prepare the following:

1. A statement of purpose (three to five double-spaced pages, maximum) that addresses

     a) your specific research interest in the field of Performance Studies,

     b) why you are applying to this program (and not a more traditional program such      as anthropology, dance, or theater), and

     c) how your academic, professional, and/or artistic background make you an ideal      candidate for the program.

     d) A brief description of your proposed dissertation topic and how the department        faculty will help you achieve your academic goals.

2. A critical writing sample (10-15 double-spaced pages, maximum) that reflects your ability to carry out sustained academic research and writing, preferably one that relates to the field of Performance Studies. (10- to 15 double-spaced pages, maximum.)

3. Two letters of recommendation, preferably from faculty who are familiar with your recent academic work.

4. All academic transcripts from colleges and universities attended.

5. A professional résumé listing academic background, work experience, honors, affiliations with professional organizations, papers presented at conferences, published work, etc.

6. External PhD finalists (that is, those who do not hold an M.A. in Performance Studies from NYU) will be contacted for a zoom interview.

The resume, statement of purpose, writing sample, and recommendations should be attached to your online application for admission. GREs are not required. Ideally, academic credentials will be uploaded as scanned documents along with the application for admission. They also may be transmitted electronically through a secure third-party service. Check with your school's records or credential-issuing office to see if this service is available. 


Virtual Production

Virtual Production applicants come from a wide array of academic and professional backgrounds. Portfolio materials need not be professional-quality work or media projects. Applicants are encouraged to submit work that is reflective of their interests and experiences. The purpose of the portfolio is to give our faculty a better overall impression of you and your interests.


1) Introductory Video (2 minute maximum): Create a short video where you introduce yourself on camera and address one or more of the following prompts:  

• What excites you about this emerging field?
• Where do you see yourself in ten years?
• How did you get to this point in your artistic endeavors?

2) Portfolio: Choose ONE of the following:

A. Film or reel of up to 5 minutes
B. Artistic Portfolio of 10-15 images
C. Writing sample of up to 15 pages

3) Visual Story Concept (2 page maximum): Describe the concept for a film or visual project you would like to develop. Your concept essay should provide a thoughtful description of what your project would be about, but does not need to be written in treatment format. Things to consider including: title, log line, description/pitch (how would you quickly describe this project to a potential investor), visual references to other films or projects (style, mood etc). Please note that the visual project you describe in your essay will not necessarily be the one you develop if accepted to the program.


Notification of Decision

Notification of an admission decision cannot be made until all required supporting materials have been received and a full assessment of a candidate has been rendered by the departmental admission committee. A preliminary notification informing the candidate of his or her successful audition/interview may be sent directly by the Graduate Acting program, the Department of Dance, or the Department of Design for Stage and Film. However, a formal offer of admission can only be issued by the Office of Graduate Admissions.

The Kanbar Institute of Graduate Film and Television will notify candidates who have been selected as finalists for an interview. This does not constitute admission to the program.

For most departments, admission notification begins March 1 and continues through April 15. Applicants to all programs are informed by e-mail.

Orientation information and registration instructions are sent to accepted applicants after receipt of the tuition deposit.