U.S. Bachelor Equivalency

When reviewing academic records from a school outside the U.S., we assess whether the applicant has reached an academic level equivalent to a U.S. bachelor's degree. The following are some of the Diplomas and Certificates from foreign countries that can be evaluated as the equivalent of a bachelor’s degree in the United States. The list is not exhaustive and there could be other qualifications in these countries that are also equivalent to the US bachelor’s degree.

Afghanistan: Bachelor, Leicanc (Bachelor, Licence)
Albania: Diplômë / Bakelorë (Diploma, Bachelor)
Algeria: Licence, Diplôme d’Etudes Superieures/DES (Higher Studies Diploma), Diplôme d’ingéniorat / d’ingénieur d’état / de l’Institut (Dipl.Ing.) (Diploma of Engineer, State / Institute Diploma of Engineer)
Angola: Licenciado (Lic.) (Licentiate)
Argentina: Bachiller / Bachillerato universitario (Bachelor), Licenciado (Lic) (Licentiate)
Armenia: Bakalavri Kochum, Specialist Diploma
Australia: Bachelor degree (4 year or Honours), Master’s Qualifying Year (MQY) following a 3 year Bachelor’s degree
Austria: Bakkalaureus (Bachelor)
Azerbaijan: Bakalavr
Bahamas: Bachelor degree awarded by the University of the West Indies
Bahrain: Bachelor degree
Bangladesh: Bachelor degree (4 year program or more), Master of Arts/Science/Commerce
Belarus: Baklavar, Specialist Diploma, Diplom o Vyshem Obrazovanii
Belgium: Candidature, Baccalaureate, Licence, Diplôme d’ Etudes Supérieures Spécialisées
Benin: Diplôme universitaire d’études littéraires/scientifiques, Diplôme d’études supérieures (DES) (Diploma of Advanced Studies)
Bhutan: Post Graduate Diploma
Bolivia: Licenciatura/Licenciado (Lic.) (Licence), Titulo profesional (Professional Title)
Bosnia and Herzegovina: Diploma Visokog Obrazovanja
Botswana: Bachelor degree
Brazil: Bacharel / Bacharelado, Licenciado / Licenciatura (Bach., Lic.)(Bachelor’s / Licenciate)
Brunei: Bachelor degree
Bulgaria: Bakalavr
Burkina Faso: Diplôme d’études universitaires générales (DEUG) (Diploma of GeneralUniversity Studies), Licence (Lic.) (Licence)
Burma (Myanmar): Bachelor degree (4 year or Honours)
Burundi: Diplôme (Dipl.) (Diploma), Licence (Lic.) (Licence)
Cambodia: Bachelor degree, Licence
Cameroon: Licence, Bachelor degree following GCE Advanced Levels
Carribean Countries: Caribbean Examinations Council Secondary Education Certificate (CxC)/ GCE “O” Levels
Central African Republic: Diplôme supérieur de gestion (DSG) (Higher Diploma of Management), Licence (Lic) (Licence), Diplôme d’ingénieur (DiplIng) (Diploma of Engineer)
Chad: Licence (Lic) (Licence)
Chile: Licenciado/Licenciatura (Lic.) (Licence), Titulo profesional (Professional Title)
China, People’s Republic of: Bachelor degree, (Dip) (Diploma of Graduation)
Colombia: Licenciado / Licenciatura (Lic) (Licenciate)
Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Licence (Lic) (Licence), Diplôme d’études supérieures (DES) (Diploma of Higher Studies)
Costa Rica: Bachiller / Bachillerato universitario (BachU) (UniversityBachelor / Baccalaureate), Licenciado / Licenciatura (Lic) (Licenciate), Titulo de (Title of)
Croatia: Diploma diplomaskog studija
Cuba: Licenciado / Doctorado (Lic/Doc) (Licenciate), Diplomado / Titulo profesional (Dip, Tit) (Diplomate/Professional Title)
Cyprus: Bachelor’s Degree
Czech Republic: Bakalar (Bachelor), Inženýr (Engineer)
Denmark: Candidatus Degree
Dominican Republic: Licenciado / Licenciatura (Lic) (Licentiate), Ingeniero (Ing) (Engineer)
Ecuador: Licenciado (Lic) (Licentiate), Titulo profesional (Professional Title), Ingeniero (Ing) (Engineer)
Egypt: Bakalourious (Bachelor)
Estonia: Bakalaureusekraad, Bachelor Degree
Ethiopia: Bachelor Degree
Fiji: Bachelor Degree
Finland: Kandidaatti/Kandidat
France: Licence (Lic) (Licentiate), Certificat / Diplôme de fin d’études (Cert, Dip) (Certificate / Diploma of Competed Studies)
Gabon: Licence ès lettres (LL) (Licentiate in Letters), Diplôme d’ingénieur (DI, DiplIng) (Diploma of Engineer)
Ghana: West African School Certificate/ GCE “O” Levels
Guinea: Baccalauréat
Georgia: Bakalavris Kharishki (4 year program), Specialistis Diplomi (4-5 year program) 
Germany: Bakkalaureus (Bachelor)
Ghana: Bachelor Degree
Greece: Bachelor Degree, Ptychion (4 year program)
Guatemala: Baccalaureus (Baccalaureate), Licenciado (Lic) (Licentiate)
Honduras: Bachiller universitario (University Bachelor), Licenciatura (Lic) (Licentiate), Titulo de (Title of)
Hong Kong: Bachelor Degree
Hungary: Egyetemi Oklevél (Ok) (University Diploma),
Iceland: Kandidatsprof/Candidatus, Bachelor degree
India: Bachelor Degree (4 year program) or 3 year Bachelor Degree plus 1 year Post Graduate Diploma (PGDIP)
Indonesia: Sarjana
Iran: Karshenasi / Lesans (Licentiate), Bachelor Degree
Iraq: Bachelor Degree
Ireland: Bachelor Degree
Israel: Boger ravuach universita (Bachelor Degree)
Italy: Laurea
Ivory Coast: Licence / Licence es lettres (Lic / LL) (Licentiate / Licentiate in Letters)
Japan: Gakushi Shogo (Bachelor’s Degree)
Jordan: Bachelor Degree
Kazakstan: Bakalavr (Bachelor), Diplom Specialista (Specialist Diploma)
Kenya: Bachelor Degree
Korea: Haksa (Bachelor)
Kyrgyzstan: Bakalavr (Bachelor), Diplom Specialista (Specialist Diploma)
Laos: Licence (Lic) (Licentiate)
Latvia: Bakalaurs (Bachelor)
Lebanon: Licence (Lic) (Licentiate), Bachelor Degree
Lesotho: Bachelor Degree
Liberia: Bachelor Degree
Libya: Bachelor Degree
Lithuania: Bakalaurs (Bachelor)
Macedonia: Bachelor/Diplomiran
Madagascar: Licence (Lic) (Licentiate), Diplôme d’ingénieur
Malawi: Bachelor Degree
Malaysia: Bacelor / Sarjana Muda (Bachelor)
Mali: Diplôme de l’école normale supérieure (DENS) (Diploma of the HigherNormal School) , Diplôme d’ingénieur des sciences appliquées (DISA/DI) (Diploma ofEngineer of Applied Sciences)
Malta: Bachelor Degree
Mauritius: Bachelor Degree
Mexico: Licenciado (4 year), Titulo (4 year)
Moldova: Diplom inzhiner (DI) (Engineer’s Diploma)
Mongolia: Diploma of Specialist, Bachelor Degree
Morocco: Licence (Lic) (Licentiate)
Mozambique: Licenciatura (Lic) (Licentiate)
Namibia: Bachelor Degree
Nepal: Bachelor Degree (4 year program), Master Degree following a 2 or 3 year bachelor Degree
Netherlands: Baccalaureus (Baccalaureate), Ingenieur (Ing), Getuigschrift Hoger Beroepsonderwijs (HBO – 4 year program)
New Zealand: Bachelor Degree
Nicaragua: Licencia / Licenciado / Licenciatura ( (Licentiate), Arquitecto (Architect), Ingeniero (Ing) (Engineer)
Niger: Licence ès … (Lic) (Licentiate in …)
Nigeria: Bachelor Degree
Norway: Adjunkt (Accountant), Arkitekt (Architect), Candidatus magisterii (Cand.mag.) (Candidate Master), Sykepleierske (Nurse)
Oman : Bachelor Degree
Pakistan : Bachelor degree (4 years or 3 years + 1 year of Honours), Bachelor of Engineering, Master’s degree (2 years following a 2 or 3 year bachelor degree).
Panama: Licenciado (Lic) (Licenciate), Titulo profesional (Professional Title), Tecnologia (Technologist)
Papua New Guinea: Bachelor Degree
Paraguay: Licenciado (Lic) (Licenciate), Ingeniero (Ing)
Peru: Bachiller académico, Licenciado (Lic) (Licentiate), Titulo profesional (Professional Title)
Philippines: Bachelor Degree
Poland: Magister (Mag) (Master)
Portugal: Licenciado (Lic) (Licentiate)
Qatar: Bachelor Degree
Romania: Diploma de Licenta/Diploma de Inginer (minimum of 4 years)
Russian Federation: Bakalavr, Specialist Diploma
Rwanda: Licence (Lic) (Licentiate), Diplôme d’ingénieur / Ingéniorat (DipIng, Ing) (Engineer)
Saudi Arabia: Bachelor Degree
Senegal: Licence (Lic) (Licentiate), Diplôme d’ingénieur (DipIng) (Diploma of Engineer)
Sierra Leone: Bachelor Degree
Singapore: Bachelor Degree
Slovak Republic:Bakalar, Magister (Mag) (Master)
Slovenia: Diplomirani (Qualification/Graduate)
Solomon Islands: Bachelor Degree
Somalia: Bachelor Degree, Laurea
South Africa: Baccalaureus (Baccalaureate) (Bachelor), Higher Diploma, National Higher Diploma
South Korea: Senior High School Diploma
Spain: Licenciado (L, Lic) (Licentiate), Arquitecto (Arq) (Architect), Ingeniero (Ing) (Engineer)
Sri Lanka: Bachelor Degree, Higher National Diploma (HND)
Sudan: Bachelor Degree, Advanced Diploma (AdvDip)
Swaziland: Bachelor Degree
Sweden: Magisterexamen, Yrkesexamen (professional exam) awarded after a minimum of 160 credit points (4 years)
Switzerland: Lizentiat, Licence, Bachelor Degree (4 year program)
Syria: Bachelor Degree
Taiwan: Bachelor Degree
Tajikistan: Bakalavr, Diploma of Specialist
Tanzania: Bachelor Degree
Thailand: Bachelor Degree
Togo: Licence (Lic) (Licentiate)
Tunisia: Licence (Lic) (Licentiate)
Turkey: Lisans Diplomasi / Bachelor (Licentiate Diploma / Bachelor’s Degree)
TurkmenistanBakalavr (Bachelor)
Uganda: Bachelor Degree
Ukraine: Dyplom Bakalavra, Dyplom Spetsialista
United Arab Emirates: Bachelor degree, Licentiate
United Kingdom: Bachelor Degree
United Kingdom: Bachelor Degree
US Virgin Islands: Bachillarato Diversificado de Ensenanza Secundaria
Uzbekistan: Bakalavr, Specialist Diploma
Venezuela: Licenciado (Lic) (Licentiate), Ingeniero (Ing) (Engineer)
Vietnam: Cu Nhan / Bang Tôt Nghiêp Dai Hoc Licence (Lic) Bachelor (BA, BS) (Bachelor’s Degree / Licentiate / Diploma of Higher Education Graduate)
Yemen: Bachelor Degree
Zambia: Bachelor Degree
Zimbabwe: Bachelor Degree