U.S. Bachelor Equivalency

When reviewing academic records from a school outside the U.S., we assess whether the applicant has reached an academic level equivalent to a U.S. bachelor's degree. The following are some of the Diplomas and Certificates from foreign countries that can be evaluated as the equivalent of a bachelor’s degree in the United States. The list is not exhaustive and there could be other qualifications in these countries that are also equivalent to the US bachelor’s degree.

Note for degrees from India and Australia: Applicants that received degrees from institutions in India or Australia must provide a credential evaluation from a NACES member. Applications without an evaluation for degrees from these countries will not be reviewed until an evaluation is submitted. 

Afghanistan: Bachelor, Leicanc (Bachelor, Licence)
Albania: Diplômë / Bakelorë (Diploma, Bachelor)
Algeria: Licence, Diplôme d’Etudes Superieures/DES (Higher Studies Diploma), Diplôme d’ingéniorat / d’ingénieur d’état / de l’Institut (Dipl.Ing.) (Diploma of Engineer, State / Institute Diploma of Engineer)
Angola: Licenciado (Lic.) (Licentiate)
Argentina: Bachiller / Bachillerato universitario (Bachelor), Licenciado (Lic) (Licentiate)
Armenia: Bakalavri Kochum, Specialist Diploma
Australia: Bachelor degree (4 year or Honours), Master’s Qualifying Year (MQY) following a 3 year Bachelor’s degree
Austria: Bakkalaureus (Bachelor)
Azerbaijan: Bakalavr
Bahamas: Bachelor degree awarded by the University of the West Indies
Bahrain: Bachelor degree
Bangladesh: Bachelor degree (4 year program or more), Master of Arts/Science/Commerce
Belarus: Baklavar, Specialist Diploma, Diplom o Vyshem Obrazovanii
Belgium: Candidature, Baccalaureate, Licence, Diplôme d’ Etudes Supérieures Spécialisées
Benin: Diplôme universitaire d’études littéraires/scientifiques, Diplôme d’études supérieures (DES) (Diploma of Advanced Studies)
Bhutan: Post Graduate Diploma
Bolivia: Licenciatura/Licenciado (Lic.) (Licence), Titulo profesional (Professional Title)
Bosnia and Herzegovina: Diploma Visokog Obrazovanja
Botswana: Bachelor degree
Brazil: Bacharel / Bacharelado, Licenciado / Licenciatura (Bach., Lic.)(Bachelor’s / Licenciate)
Brunei: Bachelor degree
Bulgaria: Bakalavr
Burkina Faso: Diplôme d’études universitaires générales (DEUG) (Diploma of GeneralUniversity Studies), Licence (Lic.) (Licence)
Burma (Myanmar): Bachelor degree (4 year or Honours)
Burundi: Diplôme (Dipl.) (Diploma), Licence (Lic.) (Licence)
Cambodia: Bachelor degree, Licence
Cameroon: Licence, Bachelor degree following GCE Advanced Levels
Carribean Countries: Caribbean Examinations Council Secondary Education Certificate (CxC)/ GCE “O” Levels
Central African Republic: Diplôme supérieur de gestion (DSG) (Higher Diploma of Management), Licence (Lic) (Licence), Diplôme d’ingénieur (DiplIng) (Diploma of Engineer)
Chad: Licence (Lic) (Licence)
Chile: Licenciado/Licenciatura (Lic.) (Licence), Titulo profesional (Professional Title)
China, People’s Republic of: Bachelor degree, (Dip) (Diploma of Graduation)
Colombia: Licenciado / Licenciatura (Lic) (Licenciate)
Congo, Democratic Republic of the: Licence (Lic) (Licence), Diplôme d’études supérieures (DES) (Diploma of Higher Studies)
Costa Rica: Bachiller / Bachillerato universitario (BachU) (UniversityBachelor / Baccalaureate), Licenciado / Licenciatura (Lic) (Licenciate), Titulo de (Title of)
Croatia: Diploma diplomaskog studija
Cuba: Licenciado / Doctorado (Lic/Doc) (Licenciate), Diplomado / Titulo profesional (Dip, Tit) (Diplomate/Professional Title)
Cyprus: Bachelor’s Degree
Czech Republic: Bakalar (Bachelor), Inženýr (Engineer)
Denmark: Candidatus Degree
Dominican Republic: Licenciado / Licenciatura (Lic) (Licentiate), Ingeniero (Ing) (Engineer)
Ecuador: Licenciado (Lic) (Licentiate), Titulo profesional (Professional Title), Ingeniero (Ing) (Engineer)
Egypt: Bakalourious (Bachelor)
Estonia: Bakalaureusekraad, Bachelor Degree
Ethiopia: Bachelor Degree
Fiji: Bachelor Degree
Finland: Kandidaatti/Kandidat
France: Licence (Lic) (Licentiate), Certificat / Diplôme de fin d’études (Cert, Dip) (Certificate / Diploma of Competed Studies)
Gabon: Licence ès lettres (LL) (Licentiate in Letters), Diplôme d’ingénieur (DI, DiplIng) (Diploma of Engineer)
Ghana: West African School Certificate/ GCE “O” Levels
Guinea: Baccalauréat
Georgia: Bakalavris Kharishki (4 year program), Specialistis Diplomi (4-5 year program) 
Germany: Bakkalaureus (Bachelor)
Ghana: Bachelor Degree
Greece: Bachelor Degree, Ptychion (4 year program)
Guatemala: Baccalaureus (Baccalaureate), Licenciado (Lic) (Licentiate)
Honduras: Bachiller universitario (University Bachelor), Licenciatura (Lic) (Licentiate), Titulo de (Title of)
Hong Kong: Bachelor Degree
Hungary: Egyetemi Oklevél (Ok) (University Diploma),
Iceland: Kandidatsprof/Candidatus, Bachelor degree
India: Bachelor Degree (4 year program) or 3 year Bachelor Degree plus 1 year Post Graduate Diploma (PGDIP)
Indonesia: Sarjana
Iran: Karshenasi / Lesans (Licentiate), Bachelor Degree
Iraq: Bachelor Degree
Ireland: Bachelor Degree
Israel: Boger ravuach universita (Bachelor Degree)
Italy: Laurea
Ivory Coast: Licence / Licence es lettres (Lic / LL) (Licentiate / Licentiate in Letters)
Japan: Gakushi Shogo (Bachelor’s Degree)
Jordan: Bachelor Degree
Kazakstan: Bakalavr (Bachelor), Diplom Specialista (Specialist Diploma)
Kenya: Bachelor Degree
Korea: Haksa (Bachelor)
Kyrgyzstan: Bakalavr (Bachelor), Diplom Specialista (Specialist Diploma)
Laos: Licence (Lic) (Licentiate)
Latvia: Bakalaurs (Bachelor)
Lebanon: Licence (Lic) (Licentiate), Bachelor Degree
Lesotho: Bachelor Degree
Liberia: Bachelor Degree
Libya: Bachelor Degree
Lithuania: Bakalaurs (Bachelor)
Macedonia: Bachelor/Diplomiran
Madagascar: Licence (Lic) (Licentiate), Diplôme d’ingénieur
Malawi: Bachelor Degree
Malaysia: Bacelor / Sarjana Muda (Bachelor)
Mali: Diplôme de l’école normale supérieure (DENS) (Diploma of the HigherNormal School) , Diplôme d’ingénieur des sciences appliquées (DISA/DI) (Diploma ofEngineer of Applied Sciences)
Malta: Bachelor Degree
Mauritius: Bachelor Degree
Mexico: Licenciado (4 year), Titulo (4 year)
Moldova: Diplom inzhiner (DI) (Engineer’s Diploma)
Mongolia: Diploma of Specialist, Bachelor Degree
Morocco: Licence (Lic) (Licentiate)
Mozambique: Licenciatura (Lic) (Licentiate)
Namibia: Bachelor Degree
Nepal: Bachelor Degree (4 year program), Master Degree following a 2 or 3 year bachelor Degree
Netherlands: Baccalaureus (Baccalaureate), Ingenieur (Ing), Getuigschrift Hoger Beroepsonderwijs (HBO – 4 year program)
New Zealand: Bachelor Degree
Nicaragua: Licencia / Licenciado / Licenciatura ( (Licentiate), Arquitecto (Architect), Ingeniero (Ing) (Engineer)
Niger: Licence ès … (Lic) (Licentiate in …)
Nigeria: Bachelor Degree
Norway: Adjunkt (Accountant), Arkitekt (Architect), Candidatus magisterii (Cand.mag.) (Candidate Master), Sykepleierske (Nurse)
Oman : Bachelor Degree
Pakistan : Bachelor degree (4 years or 3 years + 1 year of Honours), Bachelor of Engineering, Master’s degree (2 years following a 2 or 3 year bachelor degree).
Panama: Licenciado (Lic) (Licenciate), Titulo profesional (Professional Title), Tecnologia (Technologist)
Papua New Guinea: Bachelor Degree
Paraguay: Licenciado (Lic) (Licenciate), Ingeniero (Ing)
Peru: Bachiller académico, Licenciado (Lic) (Licentiate), Titulo profesional (Professional Title)
Philippines: Bachelor Degree
Poland: Magister (Mag) (Master)
Portugal: Licenciado (Lic) (Licentiate)
Qatar: Bachelor Degree
Romania: Diploma de Licenta/Diploma de Inginer (minimum of 4 years)
Russian Federation: Bakalavr, Specialist Diploma
Rwanda: Licence (Lic) (Licentiate), Diplôme d’ingénieur / Ingéniorat (DipIng, Ing) (Engineer)
Saudi Arabia: Bachelor Degree
Senegal: Licence (Lic) (Licentiate), Diplôme d’ingénieur (DipIng) (Diploma of Engineer)
Sierra Leone: Bachelor Degree
Singapore: Bachelor Degree
Slovak Republic:Bakalar, Magister (Mag) (Master)
Slovenia: Diplomirani (Qualification/Graduate)
Solomon Islands: Bachelor Degree
Somalia: Bachelor Degree, Laurea
South Africa: Baccalaureus (Baccalaureate) (Bachelor), Higher Diploma, National Higher Diploma
South Korea: Senior High School Diploma
Spain: Licenciado (L, Lic) (Licentiate), Arquitecto (Arq) (Architect), Ingeniero (Ing) (Engineer)
Sri Lanka: Bachelor Degree, Higher National Diploma (HND)
Sudan: Bachelor Degree, Advanced Diploma (AdvDip)
Swaziland: Bachelor Degree
Sweden: Magisterexamen, Yrkesexamen (professional exam) awarded after a minimum of 160 credit points (4 years)
Switzerland: Lizentiat, Licence, Bachelor Degree (4 year program)
Syria: Bachelor Degree
Taiwan: Bachelor Degree
Tajikistan: Bakalavr, Diploma of Specialist
Tanzania: Bachelor Degree
Thailand: Bachelor Degree
Togo: Licence (Lic) (Licentiate)
Tunisia: Licence (Lic) (Licentiate)
Turkey: Lisans Diplomasi / Bachelor (Licentiate Diploma / Bachelor’s Degree)
TurkmenistanBakalavr (Bachelor)
Uganda: Bachelor Degree
Ukraine: Dyplom Bakalavra, Dyplom Spetsialista
United Arab Emirates: Bachelor degree, Licentiate
United Kingdom: Bachelor Degree
United Kingdom: Bachelor Degree
US Virgin Islands: Bachillarato Diversificado de Ensenanza Secundaria
Uzbekistan: Bakalavr, Specialist Diploma
Venezuela: Licenciado (Lic) (Licentiate), Ingeniero (Ing) (Engineer)
Vietnam: Cu Nhan / Bang Tôt Nghiêp Dai Hoc Licence (Lic) Bachelor (BA, BS) (Bachelor’s Degree / Licentiate / Diploma of Higher Education Graduate)
Yemen: Bachelor Degree
Zambia: Bachelor Degree
Zimbabwe: Bachelor Degree