The NYU Game Center is dedicated to the exploration of games as a cultural form and game design as creative practice. Our approach to the study of games is based on a simple idea: games matter.

We train the next generation of game designers, developers, entrepreneurs, and critics, to advance the field of games by creating a context for advanced scholarship and groundbreaking work.

Our students are drawn from diverse disciplines including computer programming, visual art, sound and audio, animation, writing, but are joined together by the central discipline of game design. They come from around the globe to study with our faculty, who are all leading designers and scholars in the field. At NYU, you can major or minor in game design as an undergraduate or earn an MFA in our two-year graduate program.

For a description of our BFA and MFA programs and access to more information on how to apply, click the following links below:

BFA Program
MFA Program

We live in a time in which games are evolving in radical and important ways. Our students and faculty are defining the cultural landscape for the next hundred years.

Frank Lantz

Frank Lantz

Chair Emeritus, NYU Game Center


Event Flyer NYU Game Center

Jan. 30

Playtest Thursday

If you’re making a game, you need to playtest! Bring your work-in-progress game and get feedback from fellow game makers!

