Shayna McHayle
Adjunct Instructor

Timely, revolutionary, mysterious, and futuristic; Junglepussy is a rainbow. Bands of clever
lyricism, quirky side characters, tropical flavors, and leopard prints stream from her psyche and
experiences to form unabashedly individualistic bodies of work that leave you second-guessing.
Active in music since a teenager, she began rapping and creating videos in a group named Primp with her
friends. Just when you think you know what to expect from her, it dawns on you that she’s been
slowly peeling back the skin to reveal yet another layer.
A proud Brooklyn native, Shayna McHayle is an artist, writer, and award-winning actress. Often bold
and brazen, her music is released independently without label support. She has always
marched to the beat of her own drum, which has brought admirers from all corners of the