MK Skitka

Resident Researcher

MK Headshot

Mary Kate “MK” Skitka (she/her, b. 1996) is a creative technologist, a/v artist, and educator based in Brooklyn. She began her career as a software engineer working in AI research. Now, she leverages her years of technical experience in industry to create and inspire installation and performance art. Through her artistic practice, she explores the concept of liveness within human-computer interactions.

Currently, she works as a post-doctoral research fellow at ITP NYU, researching embodied interfaces, primarily coding as a form of performance art. She holds a MPS from NYU Tisch’s Interactive Telecommunications Program (2023) and a BS in Cognitive Brain Science and Computer Science from Tufts University (2018). Her work takes form as experimental websites, interactive installation, event production, wearable programmable devices, and live coding performance.