Cy Kim

Research Resident

Headshot of Cy Kim

Cy Kim (she/her) is an interdisciplinary designer working at the crossroads of art and technology with a focus on interactive storytelling through generative visuals and sound. She was born to Korean parents that immigrated to Singapore in the late 90s and grew up charmed and sometimes confused by the amalgamation of the different influences in her life. Some of which include: proper Korean etiquette, western media, the blend of Chinese, Malay, Indian cultures in Singapore and year sweaty tropical weather. 

She was formally trained in Architecture and holds an undergraduate degree from Carnegie Mellon University. Recently she obtained a master's from the Interactive Telecommunications Program at New York University in 2021 with a focus on physical computing and audio programming. Currently, she works as a post-doctoral fellow at ITP continuing her research and explorations in experimental media.