Biodesigning the Future of Food

Woman engaging with sculpture

Biodesigning the Future of Food is a cross-disciplinary class that will consist of workshops in bio-technologies, robotics, permaculture, light + interactivity, soil and bees as a means of thinking how to integrate centuries old agriculture practices with appropriate technologies.  This class offers an opportunity for students to apply skills they’ve learned, or are learning, in other classes to an area which affects all of us with every bite we eat. It’s a chance for us to apply technical skills to realize our ideals in this area.

ITP Faculty + Residents will contribute their expertise in a wide range of disciplines to highlight all the crossover that lives in this class. In this session, ITP faculty  Stefani Bardin, Tom Igoe, and others as available and residents Craig Pickard and Justin Peake will talk about what will happen in and out of the class.  This class is part of the BioDesign Challenge founded by GenSpace.  Director of the Initiative and co-founder of Gen-Space, Daniel Grushkin, will also be there to talk about biology, design and technology.