What I Did This Summer to Prepare for My Career

Thursday, Sep 3, 2015

by Rachel Anne Sennott, Drama Class of 2018

Being a drama student at NYU's Tisch School of the Arts means having a packed schedule, one that starts early in the morning and carries on late into the night; one filled with studio, rehearsal, and brisk walks in-between the two that can make you very sweaty. Since the school year is so busy, I believe summer is the best time to work on the business and networking side of my career so that I can do something with my artistic training after I graduate. At first I was unsure of how to do this and it felt as everyone around me already knew how. After an acceptable amount of panicking and stress-eating, I turned to the Tisch Office of Career Development (TOCD) for help.

One piece of career advice I have gotten constantly is to network and make connections, because getting a job in this industry can be helped by who you know. The TOCD enabled me to connect with alumni through the Tisch Mentor Network Database. And not just any alumni… I mean the ones that have jobs that pay enough money that they can go to artsy coffee shops and wear expensive shoes! Through the Mentor Network Database I was able to meet with and pick the brains of three distinguished artists who work in different parts of the industry. All three of these people were generous with their time and advice, solely because I was an NYU student and eager to learn from them.

In addition to meeting with mentors, I tackled my first full-time internship this summer. I interned at two different companies throughout my freshman year but neither of them had been five days a week. Although a full-time internship can take a lot of free time out of your summer, I highly recommend it. Throughout my time interning at a casting office I have met some amazing people, experienced auditions from a different vantage point, and got tons of comp tickets (just saying). This internship was perfect for me but there are hundreds out there for everyone Listings are available through Tisch Talent Guild, Tisch College Central and through the Tisch Internship advisors. It’s never too early to begin exploring your career options. If you are looking to advance your career while you're still in school, I would highly recommend checking out the resources of the Tisch Office of Career Development. They have a lot to offer!  If anything, they sometimes give out candy.

For more information about the TOCD and all they offer visit them at www.nyu.edu/tisch/career