Back to Basics: Wellness

Thursday, Jan 14, 2016

As we all know, college can be a stressful time. Balancing academic and creative demands with social commitments can be so time consuming that we can easily forget to take care of ourselves. The start of a new semester is the perfect opportunity to get creative with your self-care.

In short, self-care is the intentional participation in the enhancing of your health. There are many ways to effectively engage in self-care, however thinking about going “back to basics” can be a great starting point.  Sleep, exercise, and stress management are three key components to comprehensive self-care.

In a college environment, sleep at times gets viewed as a luxury rather than a necessity. However, consistent and regular sleep patterns can improve not only how we feel, but also how we perform. Being fully rested also decreases our vulnerability to stress. Counseling & Wellness Services offers various resources to support healthy sleep, including a monthly Insomnia Toolkit that teaches helpful skills to increase restful sleep. To sign up, call the Counseling & Wellness front desk at 212-998-4780.

It is important to also care for your physical body. Regular exercise is known to help reduce stress and improve mood. Check out the resources at the NYU Athletic Facilities – they include cardio, weight lifting, swimming, classes, and even rock climbing!

It’s also important to pay attention to your body’s signals of pain or sickness and go to the doctor as needed. The Student Health Center offers a wide range of medical support. More information can be found here:

When thinking of ways to manage stress, consider the wealth of resources available on campus. Free yoga and meditation classes are offered on campus through MindfulNYU. Schedules can be found here:

Counseling & Wellness also offers a free online resource to improve relaxation through the Relaxation Oasis: