Tisch Internal Double Major Application
Use this application if you are currently a Tisch student and you would like to double-major within Tisch (e.g., major in Cinema Studies and Dramatic Writing).
Below you will find administrative forms for the Tisch School of the Arts. Please be sure to work with your academic advisor when filling out any of these forms.
Use this application if you are currently a Tisch student and you would like to double-major within Tisch (e.g., major in Cinema Studies and Dramatic Writing).
To declare a second major within Tisch, please use the Tisch Double Major Application form on this page.
To request a minor be added or removed from your record please use your Albert Student Center. New First Years should wait to declare secondary majors and minors in June of their first academic year and after discussing it with their academic advisor.
Use this application if you are currently a Tisch student and you would like to transfer within Tisch (e.g., from Cinema Studies to Dramatic Writing).
Use this form to request enrollment in fewer than 12 credits in a semester. This form should only be used after you have met and discussed the request with your advisor, including the impact on your planned date of graduation and any financial aid you may be receiving.
Please note: If you are requesting to study part-time because you need fewer than 12 credits to graduate and the semester you are requesting will be your final semester, you do not need to submit this form. You are automatically approved to study part-time in your final semester as long as you will complete your graduation requirements.
Use this form to request a grade of "Incomplete" for work outstanding.
Use this form if you need to apply for an extension of a previously approved grade of "Incomplete" for submission of work outstanding.
Students who are requesting to take a course pass/fail rather than for a letter grade may use the following form to do so:
The deadline for applying for pass/fail for the Spring 2025 semester is Thursday, April 17, 2025.
Please read the guidelines and requirements noted on the form carefully before submitting your request. After submitting your form, you will receive a confirmation message. If there are any issues, we will contact you and your academic advisor.
This form is for drop/add transactions that cannot be processed via Albert for exceptional reasons.
Please review the Advanced Standing Request information carefully before consulting with your academic advisor. Once you have gone over the details of your request together, follow the instructions on the information page to complete the form.
Please see the information on our Leave of Absence FAQ page for instructions on applying for a leave of absence. You will also need to speak with your advisor about taking a leave and apply for the leave on Albert under the "Academics" tab.
Six weeks before the registration period for your intended semester of return, you should complete and submit the Return from Leave of Absence form.
Six weeks before the registration period for your intended semester of return, you should complete and submit the Return from Leave of Absence form.
* Students returning from medical leaves for psychological reasons must also contact Counseling & Wellness Services for an evaluation or assessment and submit a CWS Certificate of Readiness to Return.
* Students returning from a medical leave of absence for physical reasons must contact the Student Health Center and submit an SHC Certificate of Readiness to Return.
Use this form to request permission to register off-campus (PROC) from NYU during the academic school year, summer, or J-term. Be sure to speak with your academic advisor prior to submitting this request.
The deadline to apply for a J-term PROC is Friday, December 13.
Complete this form with your department administrator when you have received notification that you have been placed on Academic Probation.
Go here if you were formerly an undergraduate student at Tisch and would like to apply to finish your degree. UNDERGRADUATE students only.
Use this form if you were formerly a MA, MFA, MPS or PhD student at Tisch and would like to finish your degree. GRADUATE students only.