ITP Alum's Work Promoted by New York Times

Tuesday, Jan 8, 2019

image of Lesley Flanigan surrounded by DJ equipment

Lesley Flanigan

In December the New York Times promoted the Dance Program "Deo" at the Martha Graham Studio whose score was by ITP Alum and electronic musician Lesley Flanigan.

NEW@GRAHAM at Martha Graham Studio Theater (Dec. 18-19, 7 p.m.). The Martha Graham Dance Company hosts an intimate look at the creative process of a forthcoming collaboration by the choreographers Maxine Doyle and Bobbi Jene Smith. The work-in-progress showing of “Deo” will be followed by a conversation with the artists. Set to a score by the electronic musician Lesley Flanigan, the dance explores death and the underworld — its point of departure is the myth of Demeter and Persephone — specifically the role that women play in mortality. “Deo” will have its official premiere at the Joyce Theater in April.

See more here.