Tetsu Kondo, ITP Alum, Publishes Essay about his time at ITP

Wednesday, Oct 4, 2023

Tetsu giving a lecture in front of a powerpoint

A scene of Tetsu teaching an 8-week creative technology class.

ITP alum Tetsu Kondo wrote an article about his time at ITP and how it led him to P. Comp and Processing, which then set the stage for his teaching career back in Japan. He reflects on how Red Burns and ITP influenced the way he teaches and introduces his students to interactive media.

"I first encountered Processing in 2002, when I had just graduated from NYU’s ITP program and was a resident researcher. At that time, neither Arduino nor Processing existed at ITP. I was not originally from a science or math background, but I immersed myself in Physical Computing at ITP, writing Lingo on Macromedia Director to connect PIC microcontrollers via serial, writing Perl, and working with MIDI on PICs. I often used to create original musical instruments with my good friend Jeff Feddersen,who still teaches at ITP. I was not good at English, which is not my first language, but I could play musical instruments and draw. My great advisor Red Burns always called me to her room on the 4th floor saying, 'You don’t need to speak English for now, but you should just keep playing with technologies and express yourself with your art.'"

Read the full article here.