Gowanus Ewaste Opening

Wednesday, Jul 29, 2015

A flyer showing a red bracelet made out of cables and show information

Gowanus e-Waste Show

On Friday August 7th, we will celebrate the work of our Gowanus eWaste Warehouse Artist in Residence, Marcela Godoy (ITP Alumna), with warehouse tours, an eWaste jewelry workshop, and an Open House party including DJs and a runway show to highlight the necklaces that Marcela makes from electronic waste. This event is free and open to the public.

The Gowanus eWaste Warehouse is an electronics recycling resource operated by the non-profit Lower East Side Ecology Center. Out of our Brooklyn location at 469 President Street, which is open 5 days/week for free electronics drop-offs for residents, small businesses, and nonprofits, we recently launched an Artist in Residence Program. Residents, including artists, makers, designers, hackers, and creators, are invited to use eWaste as a medium and a resource for their work.

Full schedule:  
11:30am: warehouse tour 
3:30pm: warehouse tour 
4pm: elle.eWaste Jewelry Workshop (RSVP required http://goo.gl/BcQQWw)
6pm-10pm: reception 
7pm: warehouse tour