Tyler Peppel


Tyler Peppel Headshot

I’m an entrepreneur, educator, and researcher currently working with a number of teams and projects aimed at helping society through artificial intelligence technologies.

I’m now an adjunct faculty member at New York University, teaching and conducting research about the impact of AI on communication. I also serve as the CEO of Tickr, a startup building AI software tools and advising organizations on beneficial uses of AI.

My interest in AI was triggered when I snuck into Marvin Minsky’s MIT class lectures. Minsky was a spellbinding lecturer and I was captivated by his ideas about “machines that can understand stories.”

I received a Master’s from the Media Lab at MIT, where my research focused on the transition from analog to digital media and the ways digital technologies influence how we make and share messages. 

From MIT I moved to Apple, where I spent 5 years leading a new product team tasked with evolving the Macintosh operating system from support of static text and still images to dynamic streaming of interactive video, audio, and animation. These capabilities enabled new rich media applications like video editing, music production, and interactive learning.

I’ve authored multiple AI software patents, including a communication optimization platform based on computational linguistics and utilizing multiple natural-language processing techniques in a real-time cloud environment.

I’m a member of Prosocial Partners, an informal group of researchers, technologists, designers, and artists pursuing projects of interest relating to socially beneficial uses of AI. Prosocial is constantly on the lookout for high-impact projects. Feel free to contact me at tyler@prosocial.partners.