STEAM Education at Home: What's Working?

Image of hands typing on a keyboard surrounded by small images of people.

It is clear that online learning is here to stay as a part of learning experiences for children and adults. This conference is geared towards helping teachers, educators and parents by sharing successes and challenges.

We will cover ideas from experts in a variety of fields to help us learn how to make remote learning become more effective and more social. Our invited speakers include teachers from kindergarten through college, parents, administrators and Ed Tech specialists. At the end of our four-hour conference we’ll create a summary of best practices to help us all.

Vision Education & Media's Robofun is currently partnering with NYU’s ITP program to host this symposium via zoom on January 21st from 2 pm - 6 pm.

STEAM Education at Home: What’s Working? Come share and learn from our successes and challenges.

We will have four, 45-minute panel discussions on different topics including social and emotional development, curriculum modification, tips and tricks on the available platforms and interfaces available for virtual classes, open discussion on successes and challenges, and more!

Conference Organizers:

Laura Hart, Robofun founder & CEO

Tom Igoe, ITP, NYU, Arts Professor; Academic Coordinator

Clay Shirky, NYU, Vice Provost for Educational Technologies

Partial list of speakers:

Irina Lyublinskaya, Ph.D. Teachers College, Columbia University

Godwyn Morris, Dazzling Discoveries

Kim Smith, Learning Beautiful

Jackie Covell, The Meeting House

A lighthearted way to learn, share, and grow together as a STEAM community.

Please register here for this event.