CPT/OPT Information Session

Image of ITP logo in purple letters on a white background.


At this Zoom meeting, Jackie Chin of the Office of Global Services [OGS] will discuss the F-1 Curricular Practical Training [CPT] for internships before graduation and the F-1 Optional Practical Training [OPT] for work after graduation.

For CPT, the issues reviewed will be: eligibility, process to apply, and length of time.

For OPT, it is especially important for those graduating in May 2021. The issues that will be covered are:  eligibility to apply;  process of applying to OGS and then to the USCIS;  how to choose OPT start date;  requirements once approved for OPT; travel; overview of STEM OPT and O-1 visa for Artists. 

There will be time for questions at the end.

Please RSVP and register for the event here.