Playful Communication Class Show

ITP class Playful Communication of Serious Research is hosting a show of final projects!

WHEN: Monday, April 24th, 7-9pm, open house
WHERE: NYU Leslie eLab, 18 Washington Place

RSVP: Please RSVP here for the eLab security list

Come by and see the interactive exhibitions created by our 2 teams: 

Explore the human impact of prolonged detention in "Jennings v. Rodriguez" and learn about how the brain processes sound in "Think in Sync."

Each group started with the work of an NYU scholar or researcher to create a hands-on exhibit for a broader, public audience.

Project Details: 

"Jennings v. Rodriguez" brings visitors face-to-face with the human costs of the arbitrary system in the U.S. that strips people of their liberties and disrupts their lives through the practice of prolonged detention by the U.S. government. Based on an amicus brief co-authored by Alina Das, a lawyer and scholar at NYU Law School, the exhibition highlights the stories of people affected by the Supreme Court case, "Jennings v. Rodriguez," which seeks to introduce justice into the detention process by implementing mandatory bond hearings.

Think in Sync: Have you ever wondered how your brain processes sound? How does our brain extract information from small changes in air pressure, which we call sound? Come by and experience in our interactive playground to find the answers. In collaboration with NYU neuroscientist, Keith Doelling, we’ve created an immersive exhibit on how sound synchronizes with our brain. Learn about what brain waves are and how they synchronize with sound waves in order to help us comprehend speech and music. Through this experience, we hope to leave you with a new perspective on how our brains help us comprehend the reality around us.