Design Expo 2017

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Design Expo 2017 Workshop at ITP

Michael Dory will host an info session on this year's Design Expo on Friday, January 27 from 1-2pm in room 50. ** This event and workshop is only open to current ITP students! **

Design Expo is an eight-week design challenge — seven weeks during the semester, and one after. Students will work in groups to understand, and then respond to, a brief from Microsoft Research (MSR), and then present their work for feedback and iteration. Each week will also feature guest presenters from the practitioners from the likes of Google, Microsoft, Kickstarter, and more.

This year's theme is "Intentional Design for Positive Cultural Impact in Mixed Reality," and allows for a wide variety of interpretations. Given the scale and range of the topic, it will be critical for students to focus in on a particular community, type of interface, and problem that has impact. Students will form their own small groups of 3-5 people (before applying), and each group will research the challenge, propose possible innovations or solutions, and then iterate those proposals. A successful proposal can be a demo ("We've imagined a new possibility, and this is what it would look like") or a prototype ("We've imagined a new possibility, and we built a small version of it.")

More info here:

Application deadline January 31