Pop-Up Windows Display

Flyer for 2016 Pop-Up Windows show

Come see the final installations of the "Pop Up Window Display" Class on November 11th at 8pm at the Kimmel Center Windows, a class at ITP taught by Gabriel Barcia-Colombo. Ten Interactive Windows will be on display all based on the theme of "TIME." Windows are on Washington Square South and LaGuardia Place sides of the building.


Featuring the work of ITP students:

Angela Perrone

Anne Goodfriend

Corbin Ordel

Danielle Butler

Emmanuel Y Klein

Fan-Hao Tseng

Gal Nissim

Jordan Frand

Kevin Stirnweis

Kritchaya Twitchsri

Lindsey Johnson

Michelle Hessel

Nikita Huggins

Olivia Cueva

Paula Ceballos Delgado

Shir David

Wipawe Sirikolkarn

Xinyao Wang

Yue Hu