Financial Analysis for Entrepreneurs

Headshot of Jonathan Shaw

Financial Analysis for Entrepreneurs:  a brief discussion to help creative talent feel more comfortable when meeting with potential employers, investors and senior executives. 

At the end of the day, investing is an emotional leap of faith for everyone involved. However, financial professionals use some common analytical techniques to evaluate projects and companies.  In other words, the numbers tell a story. Having a basic understanding of how to read this story is invaluable in setting you apart during the interview or pitching process. 

Discussion overview

* Three main financial statements: P&L, Balance Sheet and Cash Flow

* Three key ratios

* Application and interrelationship of the financial statements and the ratios

* Q&A


Jonathan Shaw is a 1992 NYU ITP graduate that recently retired from a 25 year career in Investment Banking and is currently a principal at GLC investment partners. During his time in banking Mr. Shaw helped advise on over US$200bn in fund raising and listed equity investments. His work includes over ten years living in Hong Kong as well as time in New York, London, South Africa and San Francisco. Of particular interest to ITP students may be his experiences as Managing Director in charge of telecommunications and Internet research for Bear Stearns in Asia as well as his time as Managing Director of Asian Equity Sales for Mizuho Securities in the US. In addition to his ITP degree, Mr. Shaw has an undergraduate degree from Colgate University, MS from London Business School and a CFA.

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