Tisch Summer High School Program
The Tisch Summer High School Residential Program is an intensive, four-week pre-college program open to high school sophomores and juniors from around the world. The rigorous program is based on the Tisch undergraduate curriculum and the highly structured classes include projects, professional training, and collaboration. The program is tuition-based, culminates in a final grade, and four to six college credits (units). The last day of the program includes presentations, attending open class sessions, or showings of work for family and friends. Students apply to one of these artistic tracks: Dance, Drama, Production & Design, Dramatic Writing, Filmmaking, Game Design, Photography and Imaging, or Recorded Music.
All students are required to live on campus in NYU housing. Students are housed in residence halls either in Greenwich Village or Brooklyn, depending on their track of study. Curfews are put in place for weekdays and weekends. Program staff accompany students while on program-sponsored events and there are opportunities for students to leave campus on their own during their off time if they choose.
The summer 2025 application is closed.