Alumnus, Saul Williams' Latest album about understanding the oppressed

Thursday, Jan 21, 2016

Grad Acting Alumnus Saul Williams' latest album, MartyrLoserKing, has been reviewed by NPR's First Listen.

The review by Timmhotep Aku begins:

If there is one phrase that captures the overall mood and attitude of Saul Williams' latest album, MartyrLoserKing, it's "F*** you. Understand me." The refrain, from the song entitled "All Coltrane Solos At Once," is both a defiant middle finger raised to humanity's oppressors and an empathetic hand extended to those who are oppressed (including the unwitting and unwilling agents of oppression).

To view the full review, visit:

Back of 'MartyrLoserKing'

Photo Credit: Back of 'MartyrLoserKing'