Under the Heavens

Under the Heavens

Under the Heavens

Directed by Gustavo Milan 

Type of Project: Drama
Length: 16:50
Producers: Gustavo Morozini, Asia Khmelova
Editor: Jon Kadocsa
Cinematographer: Lasse Ulvedal Tolboll
Sound Design: Tobias Kracochansky  

Marta, a young Venezuelan mother immigrates to Brazil.

Gustavo Milan
Gustavo Milan


2010: bachelor in law at Fundação Armando Alvares Penteado - FAAP (Brazil);
2014: graduated at Les Atelier Varan school of documentaries (Paris);
2015: graduated in cinematography at Maine Media College (Maine, USA);
2016: worked as an intern to Mr. Caca Diegues, during the shooting and pos-production of his latest feature film The Great Mystical Circus;
2017: started to attend the Graduate Film Program at Tisch School of the Arts - NYU;
2019: received the 2019 Directors Guild of America (DGA) Grand Award for his short film "Under the Heavens."