Best of FAMU: Short Film Program

A showcase of seven successful student short films from Prague's world renowned film school FAMU will screen at New York University's Tisch School of the Arts in celebration of their longstanding collaboration, on the occasion of International Students´ Day.

Peacock (Furiant), Dir: Ondřej Hudeček
Oil Gobblers (Ropáci), Dir: Jan Svěrák
Passengers (Lidé z autobusů), Dir: Václav Kadrnka
Bubble Bath Is Best (Nejlepší je pěnivá), Dir: Jan Prušinovský
Mumps (Příušnice), Dir: Mária Procházková
Closed for Family Mourning (Zavřeno pro rodinný smutek), Dir: Saša Gedeon
Happy End, Dir: Jan Saska

Duration: 102 minutes

For more info about the films please visit: