Community & Craft: SUE PERROTTO UGFTV '90

Community & Craft

A Conversation with SUE PERROTTO, Supervising Director on Mira, Royal Detective for Disney Jr.

Sue Perrotto is a 1990 graduate of UGFTV and its Animation Program. She is a four-time Emmy Nominee for her work as a director on Phineas & Ferb series and The Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy. She has worked in every area of the animation industry, including storyboarding, layout, animation, timing supervisor, voice talent and director. Her versatility has kept her busy at numerous studios on the east and west coasts, such as Cartoon Network, Disneytoon Studios, Curious Pictures, MTV Animation, Film Roman, and Wild Canary Animation.

Sue Perrotto will discuss her career and current work as Supervising Director at Disney Jr. on Mira, Royal Detective with Professor John Canemaker, Head of UGFTV’s Animation Program.