• Applicants must be a freshman or sophomore currently enrolled in either Stern or Film & TV.
• Complete the application via SlideRoom by the deadline (mid-February).
• Applicants must be a freshman or sophomore currently enrolled in either Stern or Film & TV.
• Complete the application via SlideRoom by the deadline (mid-February).
All applicants must provide:
• Professional Resume
• Personal Statement
• NYU Transcript
Film & TV applicants must provide:
Standardized test scores OR quantitative coursework completed here at NYU. Details available below.
Stern applicants must provide:
A 4-part Creative Portfolio (descriptions at the link) based on the same criteria we use for incoming freshman applicants.
The Dual Degree program requires a standardized test score OR quantitative coursework completed here at NYU. Some of you may not have submitted these when you applied to NYU. Please read the details below to learn how to proceed.
If you would like us to consider your quantitative coursework, please email us at and indicate which courses you have taken at NYU that you would like us to consider.
If you would like to submit standardized test scores, you must submit at least ONE of the following:
*If you took AP Statistics you should still submit your score if you have a 4 or 5 for advanced standing consideration.
Once you have decided which scores you would like to submit, you can find instructions for how to submit scores here. We encourage you to send NYU your official standardized test scores at least two weeks before the application is due, so they will arrive in time for your application to be considered. If you can’t recall whether or not you submitted official test scores when you applied to NYU, please email us and we can check for you.
The following courses offered at NYU would be recommended options for Tisch students needing to demonstrate quantitative coursework because they do not have a standardized test score to submit. Note that these courses should be taken in the College of Arts & Science in order for the class to count towards a general education requirement for the Film & TV program. Classes taken at Stern would count as an elective course if not selected for admission to the Dual Degree program. If you have any questions, contact your Tisch academic advisor prior to registration.
If you have any additional questions, please email us directly at