TUSC BOARD 2024-2025
Hello from TUSC!
The Tisch Undergraduate Student Council, or TUSC, is an elected board of Tisch students who represent their peers to the administration, faculty, and NYU's Student Government Assembly (SGA). TUSC approves, oversees, and allocates funding to official Tisch clubs. TUSC programming includes Relaxation Days, the T48 Film Festival, Town Halls, community and charity events, and social events such as speed dating and pizza parties, as well as representing Tisch at the All-University Games and Orientation. TUSC also administers an annual grant funding program.
As a student advocacy group, we want to hear from you! Email us at tusc@nyu.edu!
TUSC 2024-2025 BOARD
Co-Presidents: Rachel Leibforth, Film & Television & Anushka Dhar, Film & Television
Vice President: JV (João Victor) Ataides Marques, Collaborative Arts and Psychology
Senator: Julia Smerling, Photography & Imaging
Secretary: Lainey Anshutz, Dramatic Writing
Treasurer: Sam Siegel, Film & Television
Publicity Officer: AJ Sita, Film & Television
Operations Manager: Siddharth Anand, Game Design