GSO Grants

GSO Grants fund extracurricular, interdepartmental projects that embody collaboration, foster artistic expression, are geared towards professional development, and have relevant community impact. Completed projects are presented to the Tisch community at the end of the spring semester. The GSO Grants are generously funded by Dean Allyson Green and the Tisch Graduate Student Organization, and are open to all currently enrolled Tisch graduate students.

The GSO 2025 Grants have been awarded and the application is closed. We encourage you to apply next year!

Information & Guidelines

GSO Grant Rules and FAQ

a. GSO Grants are intended to support genuine collaboration. Project teams must include participants from a minimum of (3) different graduate Tisch departments, and all participants must contirbute to the project in a meaningful way. There is no limit on the number of project participants.

b. All team members must be enrolled full-time in a Tisch School of the Arts graduate program.

c. Each team member can only participate in one (1) project submitted to GSO Grants.

d. Projects must be an experience open to the Tisch community either virtually or on or near the Washington Square or Brooklyn campus. Proejcts can be a performance, exhibition, screening, etc.

e.  All applications must be for extracurricular projects and not for projects assigned in classes, seminars or lectures. Porjects cannot be part of an external internship or job.

f.  Projects may NOT be altered after application is submitted.

g.  Grant recipients are required to meet with grant advisors during their project, and are encouraged to stay in contact with GSO for assistance and support.

h. Any project that includes filming may require production advisement from the Kanbar Institute. Projects that include a film component will be reviewed for this requirement.

Budget Guidelines

a.  GSO Grant applications MUST include a budget that conforms to the template.

b. Budgets must include ALL anticipated project expenses, including equipment, space rental, catering, publicity, honorariums, vendor payments, etc. 


c.  If the project is partially funded by sources outside of the grant, the budget must reflect which expenses will be covered by alternate funding. 

d. The maximum grant award is $3,000. Projects are not guaranteed to be awarded the full amount requested.

e. Projects that include a ticket charge or admissions fee must contact Student Affairs prior to submission. GSO reserves the right to monitor the disbursement of collected funds.

f.  Grant winners MUST attend a budget training session prior to incurring expenses. 

Selection Process

a. The GSO Grant Selection Committee is comprised of members of the GSO Board. The committee will determine grant winners and allocations after all applications are reviewed.

b. The Committee is looking for projects that benefit more than just one person or department; in other words, projects that impacts other artists and serve a larger good, either inter-departmentally, Tisch-wide, socially, or in other ways.