New Tisch Programs for J-Term and Spring

Friday, Sep 8, 2017

Tisch is offering two new programs for undergraduate NYU and visiting students in 2018.

Arts, Politics, and Digital Storytelling
January 2-7, 2018

Arts, Politics, and Digital Storytelling is a one-week January Term course in Washington D.C. The course investigates connections between the Hollywood film industry and Washington, D.C. politics, examining the conventions of both politics and digital storytelling and see where they overlap. As more and more consumers receive their news online, via social media, through podcasts, and other "tools" of today, it is important for aspiring filmmakers and journalists to have the knowledge and skills to use these new tools to tell digital stories in the digital age.

Smart phone being held up to take a photo of the U.S. Capitol building in Washington, D.C.

Photo courtesy of Pixabay

This new course on politics and digital storytelling in the post-broadcast era is taught by Arun Chaudhary, a filmmaker working in politics. He was the first Official White House Videographer, a position created for him at the beginning of the Obama administration. He is the creator and architect of “West Wing Week”, the first-ever online video diary of the White House. During the 2008 campaign as the New Media Road Director, Chaudhary oversaw the team responsible for capturing the day-to-day life of the future president in video and stills. He and his team set a new standard in documenting history, delivering crucial images to the public from the road in real time. Read Chaudhary's full bio here.

The application deadline for Arts, Politics, and Digital Storytelling is October 12, 2017. Learn more and apply.

Film clapperboard

Photo courtesy of Pixabay

Directing the Actor: London
January 24-May 18, 2018

The spring 2018 semester includes a new Tisch program in offered in collaboration with Brian Gilbert, director of numerous films such as Wilde, Not Without My Daughter, Tom and Viv, and the National Film and Television School (NFTS) in the United Kingdom for a program to train film and television directors and screenwriters.

Directing the Actor: London is an intermediate program open to undergraduate students who meet the prerequisites. Students are required to take the two courses in the core curriculum totaling seven units and select from additional courses offered through NYU London to complete the 12-18 unit program.

The core curriculum includes Directing the Actor (3 units) and Writing the Short Screenplay (4 units).

The application deadline for Directing the Actor: London is Friday, September 15
. Learn more and apply.


Visit the Tisch Special Programs website for additional courses and programs. Be sure to check the 2017-2018 admissions calendar for important dates.