Each year, the Tisch Summer High School Program concludes with each department giving a final presentation. After four weeks of training, it's exciting to see what the students have learned and achieved in such a brief amount of time.

Filmmakers Workshop 2017 - Photo by Chris Roberson

Photography & Imaging Final Gallery Exhibit - Photo by Mariangela Lardaro
From film screenings to script readings to gallery exhibits, each presentation is departmentally unique. For some of these students, it's their first time presenting original creative work publically and professionally. These presentations are open to NYU faculty and staff, as well as the students' friends and family. They are a celebration of all that has been accomplished through the program.

Recorded Music Class & Final Presentation - Photos by Seher Sikandar

Production and Design students present their proposed production of Briar Rose. - Photo courtesy of Undergraduate Drama
More photos are available through our social media channels. Search the hashtag #tischsummerhs and follow @tischsp on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Snapchat.
Next year this could be you! We are currently accepting applications for summer 2018. Visit Tisch Special Programs Admissions for dates and deadlines.