Photo by Alex "Lexi" Webster
Performance Studies Ph.D. candidate Sol Cabrini was selected to be apart of the next class of NYU Urban Doctoral Fellows and the NYU Cities Collaborative Summer Urban Public Humanities Fellowship at the Center for the Study of American Exile and Expatriation (CSAEE).
The NYU Urban Doctoral Fellows program is, “a highly competitive fellowship program which includes a selected set of doctoral students from across the University and aims to foster collaboration and scholarly discourse among a diverse group of faculty and students engaged in urban research.” Cabrini will be an Urban Doctoral Fellow throughout her tenure at NYU. The NYU Cities Collaborative and the GSAS Public Humanities Initiative, with support from the Andrew Mellon Foundation, launched the Summer Urban Public Humanities Fellowship “for graduate students interested in exploring multi-disciplinary aspects of urban life and experience.” Eight Humanities masters and Ph.D. students at NYU are selected. Cabrini will conduct a paid summer internship at CSAEE, “an independent, unaffiliated, nonprofit, nonpartisan, scholarly research center dedicated to the study of Americans who throughout history have made their lives abroad." CSAEE provides focused research and support for scholars engaged in the study of Americans outside of the United States.” In developing her artistic and conceptual method, Reparative Editing, Cabrini aligns her work on Louisiane Créolité and Black Studies from “the departure for France of approximately 50,000 of Louisiana and Mississippi’s free people of color,” as well as the proclamation of Emancipation that historically facilitated the transition from southern enslaved peoples towards U.S. Citizenship and migrations in the Northern parts of the U.S., which will be the focus for her tenure at the Urban Doctoral Fellowship.
Congratulations Sol!