CALL for Submissions: Issue 2 of Adjacent

Monday, Oct 16, 2017

arial view of farmland, woman wearing Hololens, pixelated man, cartoon house, older man listening



The ITP & IMA Journal of Emerging Media

Our mission is to share research, reflection, observations, and opinions from and for the diverse creators who are exploring the possibilities and directions at the frontiers of media, technology and art.

Adjacent seeks thought-provoking research, commentary, and work relating to current discourse and emerging technologies. See the first issue here: ADjACENT. What are you thinking about? What have you worked on and are ready to share? Here's a place to publish your ideas, work, commentary, visual essays, art...and more. Send the editorial board a proposal by clicking SUBMIT.

We plan to publish two issues a year. 

Deadline for the January issue: November 1, 2017.