Siegel + Gale Employer Info Session

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About Siegel+Gale

Siegel+Gale is a leading global brand experience firm. We consult clients on brand strategy and the way that comes to life in digital, live, and physical experiences—like a website for a rocketship company, an interactive exhibit at a global tech conference, “visit week” for a top college, or unexpected services from a “millennial hotel”.

We’re looking for a paid intern and/or creative technologist to help us rapidly prototype and push our thinking even further—and we know an ITP/IMA grads bring it! At S+G, you’ll work with Fortune 500s like American Express and CVS Health or disruptive startups like Birchbox and Blue Apron. You’ll use your ITP skills in real-world, client-facing projects. You’ll learn about consulting from career branders and experience designers. You’ll become a fast expert in industry-specific trends and innovations with our clients in healthcare, hospitality, tech, financial services, and consumer goods.

Come learn more about S+G on Feb 8th. Meet Christina (a fellow ITP alum) and Leesa (our NY Group Director). See what we do, hear what we’re looking for, and above all, ask questions!

Christina Choi
Associate Director, Brand Experience at Siegel+Gale
ITP Alum ☺

Christina brings thoughtful expertise in creative technology and compelling content—helping brands to better connect with their customers through the marriage of well-designed experiences and customer-centric communications.

As a strategic thinker and creative practitioner, she’s led experience strategy, content and “futures” projects to help clients grow customer relationships—focusing on audience needs and behaviors as the key to innovation and core to the creative process. She encourages clients to live their purpose in deed and creed—and has helped shape what that means for category leaders and innovators such as American Express, Birchbox, Blue Origin, CVS Health, MetLife, and PepsiCo.

In her early days at Siegel+Gale, Christina worked with the firm’s founder, Alan Siegel, researching what it takes to make brand-defining customer experiences. From there, she earned a master’s in emerging media, where she built experimental applications for interactive technologies ranging from brain-computer interfaces to mixed reality to wearables. She holds degrees from Columbia University, Barnard College and New York University, and has previously mentored teams at the Service Design Network, Columbia University Design for America and Harvard Business School Startup Studio.

Leesa Wytock
Group Director, Digital Experience at Siegel+Gale

With a broad history in branding, marketing and communications, Leesa prides herself in leading clients to build immersive and standout experiences, both digital and physical. As a digitally focused creative leader, she is foremost concerned with innovating brand experience by building strong, interdisciplinary teams of diverse thinkers and doers.

Prior to joining Siegel+Gale, Leesa spent time at Jack Morton, where she created their Digital practice and later evolved to a Creative Technology practice—fully integrated within strategy and creative. Her efforts there, which touched on brand marketing, business development, experiential and thought leadership, redefined Jack Morton’s approach in the realm of brand experience.

Prior to her time at Jack Morton, Leesa worked in communications at the Lucile Packard Foundation for Children’s Health at Stanford University. Aside from a true dedication to all things interactive, Leesa once drank out of the Stanley Cup, loves to cook, was accepted into the FBI Academy and can normally be found in Park Slope nerding out with her husband and #weemonsters Anderson and Teegan.