Design Your Life Workshop
Life Design Workshop at ITP
The future can feel uncertain, so we’ve created a Life Design workshop where students learn to apply design methods to their careers and to life after graduation.
This can be both an exciting and unnerving time.
What if you discover that your new job isn’t for you?
What happens if you start to drift away from the things you feel passionate about?
What path is right for you?
The goal of this workshop is to:
help students learn skills to better navigate their career choices
uncover where students are aligned with their values in their professional life
identify opportunities to quickly test out ideas
In this interactive, collaborative and highly engaging group session, participants will learn to use design methods they can apply to life planning. Because the group sessions are highly collaborative, they will lay the foundation for building a network of colleagues who will be able to help one another to make the ideas real going forward.
We will be holding a session at ITP on Saturday, February 2 from 10am-3pm.
Limited to 12 participants. Please RSVP by Jan 26 if you’re interested in participating.
Dave Derby has spent almost two decades applying Human Centered Design and Design Thinking to help people think differently in order to find innovative solutions to their challenges. Dave has a BA from Yale University as well as a Masters Degree from NYU’s Interactive Telecommunications Program where he has taught courses in Interaction Design and Design Research. Contact:
Heidi Brant is certified by the Association of Master Trainers in the Facilitation of the LEGO Serious Play method. She designs and runs collaborative problem-solving workshops for a range of institutions, start-ups and design agencies. Heidi is a graduate of NYU’s Interactive Telecommunications Program where she has co-taught Design Research. In addition, she has a BA in psychology from Brown University. Contact:
This workshop is open to the ITP Student Community only.
RSVP here.