Artist Talk with Kyle McDonald

Headshot of Kyle McDonald

As we dive into exploring creative uses of machine learning, we're thrilled to have Kyle McDonald here with us at ITP as an Artist-in-Residence from April 30th – May 4th. Kyle will give an artist talk on Thursday, May 3rd. He is also available to meet with students for office hours


Kyle is an artist working with code. He is a contributor to open source arts-engineering toolkits like openFrameworks, and builds tools that allow artists to use new algorithms in creative ways. He has a habit of sharing ideas and projects in public before they’re completed. He creatively subverts networked communication and computation, explores glitch and systemic bias, and extends these concepts to reversal of everything from identity to relationships. Kyle has been an adjunct professor at NYU’s ITP, and a member of F.A.T. Lab, community manager for openFrameworks, and artist in residence at STUDIO for Creative Inquiry at Carnegie Mellon, as well as YCAM in Japan. His work is commissioned by and shown at exhibitions and festivals around the world, including: NTT ICCArs ElectronicaSonar/OFFFEyebeamAnyang Public Art ProjectCinekidCLICK FestivalNODE Festival, and many others. He frequently leads workshops exploring computer vision and interaction.