Playful Communication of Serious Research Final Projects


Playful Communication of Serious Research is hosting a show of final projects!

WHEN: Monday, April 25th, 4-6pm, open house

WHERE: NYU Leslie eLab, 18 Washington Place

Come by and see the interactive exhibitions created by our 3 teams.  

Each group started with the work of an NYU scholar or researcher to create a hands-on exhibit for a broader, public audience.  

Topics include: Supernovae and stellar forensics, the brain and your amygdalae, and language and literacy.

Project Details: 

Stellar Forensics: Solving the Case of Supernova 

Step into the shoes of a Stellar Forensics researcher, a scientist who studies supernovae - the biggest explosions in space - to uncover more about our universe.  In this pop-up exhibit, you will search for a supernova and analyze evidence to see if you can solve the mystery of a star's death. 

Brain Hackers

Experience the journey through your brain. Join Amy G. and Dala as they teach you about the amygdalae, in relation to emotions in the brain such as fear, happiness, nostalgia and surprise.

Left Behind by Language: Confronting Linguistic Diversity in Today's Classrooms

Children whose families don't speak English at home face a severe disadvantage in the classroom - and statistics show that the repercussions of an early literacy handicap are immense. What educational approaches toward vocabulary-learning have proven useful in helping such students avoid falling behind?