Launch of Leonardo Electronic Almanac

Logo for Electronic Almanac that shows a cartoon iPhone with the words L.A. Re.Play, Mobile Network Culture in Placemaking

Launch Event: LEA Special Issue, L.A Re.Play, Roundtable


Friday, March 11, 2016 from 6:00 PM - 8:30 PM

Hosted by the Interactive Telecommunications Program
Tisch School of the Arts,  NYU
721 Broadway - 4th floor
New York, NY 10003

Hana Iverson (Artist, Co-editor of the Special Issue) and Mimi Sheller (Co-editor, Drexel University)

Christiane Paul (School of Media Studies, The New School, and Adjunct Curator of New Media Arts at the Whitney Museum of American Art) 


Amy Sara Carroll and Ricardo Dominguez (Electronic Disturbance Theater, and Visual Arts, UCSD)
Sarah Drury (Film and Media Arts, Temple University)
Martha Ladly (Ontario College of Art and Design) 
Leila Nadir and Cary Peppermint (Ecoarttech, and University of Rochester)
Teri Rueb (Department of Media Study, State University of New York at Buffalo) 

A panel discussion of intersections of locative art, mobile media and public space to mark the occasion of the launch of LA Re.Play: Mobile Network Culture in Placemaking, a special issue of Leonardo Electronic Almanac [LEA] edited by Hana Iverson, Mimi Sheller and executive editor Lanfranco Aceti. Current location technologies have become tools used by contemporary artists, theorists, designers and scientists to reformulate our understanding of social engagement within an enlarged concept of place. These new mobile networks have altered the way people exist in and relate to spaces where the real and virtual world blend, blurring the lines of traditional spatial dimensions and frameworks. This special issue provides a variety of perspectives and practices on the meaning and interpretation of today’s locative media.

ISBN: 978-1-906897-36-9     ISSN: 1071-4391
Available for download at:
Print issue available on Amazon.