Mali's Tribute

Film still - Mali's Tribute

Film still - Mali's Tribute

Directed by Dircelene Torres

Type of Project: Coming of Age
Length: 14:00 minutes
Producer: Emily Magilnick
Editor: Robert Pigott
Cinematographer: Jens Victor Olsen-Kikuchi

In an attempt to honor her brother's memory through clothing, a young woman must wrestle with the questions of sexuality her fashion choices prompt in her peers and, ultimately, herself.

Dircelene Torres
Dircelene Torres


Dircelene Torres moved to the suburbs of Washington, DC, from the islands of Sao Tome and Principe, at the tender age of three. Her maternal grandmother, a celebrated storyteller back home, came to live with her family during that transitional year. The two shared a room and every night avo Trindade recited a tale. Those stories became a source of comfort and stability in a world of impermanence.

In choosing a vocation, Dircelene found a passion in imparting that same comfort to others. Stories hold a universality; they allow viewers a moment to see beyond themselves, to connect to a circumstance, to empathize.

Having graduated Tisch in May of 2016, Dircelene currently freelances as a costume designer in NYC. She spends her nights writing scripts and loves to tackle stories of family, of nostalgia, of love. She endeavors to consistently challenge societal perceptions of race, class, and sexuality.