Goodbye, Ma

Film still - Goodbye, Ma

Film still - Goodbye, Ma

Directed by Hang Yin

Type of Project: Drama
Length: 15:03 minutes
Producer: Haichao Fang
Editor: Hang Yin
Cinematographer: Lorena Duran

8-year-old Melon has a rare eye disease, and she follows her mom to New York to have her eyes treated, and they stay at the home of her auntie. However, she slowly discovers that her mom and auntie have some other plans other than treating her eyes.

Hang Yin
Hang Yin


Louis Yin is from Changchun, a Northeastern Chinese city. He studied political science and economics at Bates College in Maine, and then went to New York University to pursue his MFA in filmmaking.

With different scholarships and grants, he has travelled to over fifty countries and lived in seven. He couchsurfed in most countries as a way to live with the locals and learn about their ways of life. Extensive travel offers him the opportunity to learn about drastically different values, making him more compassionate and open to challenges. He has made over ten short films and documentaries in China, U.S., the Czech Republic and Ghana. Now he is developing his first feature film.