
Directed By Tony Koros

Type of Project:  Drama
Length:  12:11 minutes
Producer(s):  Elizabeth Charles
Editor:  Tony Koros
Cinematographer:  Dominica Eriksen

A pregnant woman in the Kenyan highlands decides to take drastic action against her alcoholic husband when she finds him passed out in front of their house yet again.

Tony Koros – Graduate

Nairobi native Tony Koros is a writer, director and producer. He began his career as a staff writer for "Mheshimiwa" on Kenya's highest rated television network. He has written for "Jane & Abel" and "One in a Million" both airing on Africa's largest cable network. He has served as both a writer and content producer for corporate entities such as PricewaterhouseCoopers, Standard Chartered Bank, the Urgent Action Fund and the Association of Media Women in Kenya. Tony also works with Filamujuani (Films in the Sun), an organization that takes high school students from slum areas and trains them in video production and photography. Over 90 students have now gone through the program. His short films have screened at Durban International Film Festival and won the Sembene Prize at the Zanzibar International Film Festival. He is a recipient of the Harvey Fellowship (2014).