It is a pleasure to announce an additional RICHARD PROTOVIN ANIMATION AWARD WINNER has been chosen:
Johanna Xue for her work-in-progress, Dumplings, Johanna will receive $1,000 toward completion funds.
We thank the generosity of Professor Michael Burke, Associate Dean Kanbar Film & Television and Professor Ezra Sacks, Chair of UGFTV. They enabled the Richard Protovin Award to receive a gift from the UGFTV Department and Tisch of another $1,000, to be awarded to a second individual filmmaker in need of finishing funds.
The first Protovin Award winner was announced a week ago: $1,000 to Lynn Fong for Santa Clarita, a work-in-progress.
The five Protovin judges -- Zoya Baker, Dean Lennert, Sang-Jin Bae, Phil McNagny, John Canemaker -- reconvened to select a second winner. It was a very difficult task, for the quality of all of this year's applicants was extremely high.
The Richard Protovin Award was established in 1992 in memory of Richard Protovin (1945-1991), founder of the NYU TSOA Animation Program. The funds are allocated to works-in-progress that originate in one of the NYU UGFTV Animation production classes.