Fusion Film Festival & NYU Femmes in Film: The Janes

The Fusion Film Festival, celebrating women and non-binary creatives in film, television, and new media in collaboration with NYU’s Femmes in Film, invite you to a screening of: HBO Original's THE JANES.
Join us in celebrating women-led storytelling and discuss the complexities of life in the United States post-Dobbs.
Following the screening, hear a discussion with the film's Emmy and Academy Award nominated directors Tia Lessin and Emma Pildes, joined by Dana Sussman, Deputy Executive Director of the NAWP (National Advocates for Pregnant Women), and moderated by Zenovia Earle, Media Director at the NAWP.
“A searingly contemporary film about the power of mutual aid and collective action” ~ SLATE
“the lesson from THE JANES is that in the absence of justice and political power, there’s enormous potential for collective action” ~ The Atlantic
“The Janes proves, if there was any doubt, that sisterhood is powerful!” ~KDHX
“an unflinching portrait of what a country without Roe looks like. In short: CATASTROPHIC!” ~Jezebel