Oliver Stone

Photo of Oliver Stone

Oliver Stone has been credited with writing and or directing over 20 full-length feature films. Academy Award-winning screenwriter and director, he won his first Oscar, best adapted screenplay for Midnight Express (1978). Following that, he won Best Director Oscars for Platoon (1986) and Born on the Fourth of July (1989). Stone went on to create several hit films, including The Doors (1991), JFK (1991), Natural Born Killers (1994) and Nixon (1995). Stone also produced such films as Reversal of Fortune (1990), The Joy Luck Club (1993), The People vs Larry Flynt (1996), Savior (1998), Freeway (1996) and South Central (1992).

Oliver Stone attended Tisch Undergraduate Film after going to Vietnam. One of the first teachers he had was Martin Scorsese, who was teaching Sight and Sound, a class still taught at the school today. To read more about his experiences at Tisch Film & TV and see his student film, Last Year in Vietnam go to: http://www.vulture.com/2013/10/oliver-stone-on-going-to-nyu-with-scorsese.html

In 2008, Stone was named to the new post of artistic director of the NYU, Tisch School of the Arts Asia based in Singapore. Then in 2013, Tisch School of the Arts honored Oliver Stone for Outstanding Achievement in the Cinematic Arts at its annual benefit gala.