Standing Faculty Committees of Tisch

The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others. — Mahatma Gandhi

Dean's Executive Council

The Dean's Executive Council is charged with representing the Tisch School of the Arts ("TSOA") faculty as an advisory body to the Dean, and as a decision-making body (with proper consultation with respective faculties) between regular faculty meetings. This committee shall advise the Dean of the TSOA concerning the problems and attitudes of the faculty and they shall see that the faculty is kept informed of the pertinent activities of the TSOA administration.

Academic Affairs

The Academic Affairs Committee focuses on student academic life. Co-chaired by the Associate Dean of Faculty, this committee comprises distinguished members of the Tisch faculty and the administration. The committee advises the University on any and all matters of academic importance to our students.

Conflict of Interest

Members include:

Ayana Phillips, Administrative Manager, Office of Faculty

Stevin Azo Michels, Post Production Center Manager, UGFTV

Eric Rasmussen, NYU Office of General Counsel

Robert Cameron (ex officio), Associate Dean, Student Affairs

Errol Kolosine, Associate Arts Professor, ReMu

Christopher Roberson, Distinguished Teacher, UGFTV

Faculty Welfare and Governance

The Faculty Welfare and Governance Committee serves in a consultative capacity to the Dean. Their mission is to represent the interests of all full-time faculty at the school, and to take action on matters having to do with faculty welfare, faculty governance, as well as policies and terms relating to faculty appointments, review and reappointment.

Grievance & Discipline

The Grievance & Discipline Committee resolves complaints of alleged violations of policies and/or community standards by faculty and students. This committee hears cases and advises the Dean on appropriate School responses. The committee also dvises the Dean on disputes which have not been resolved through the normal process of reasoned discussion. The grievance process is intended to assure the faculty member that his/her complaint or problem has been presented to and considered by appropriate School officials and bodies; and to assure the Tisch community that decisions involving faculty members in their relationship to the School are fully considered.

Tisch Faculty Council (TFC)

The Tisch Faculty Council ("TFC") is the elected body representing the interests of the full-time faculty at Tisch School of the Arts ("TSOA"). The Council is composed of one elected representative from every department and program and is charged to periodically review and make recommendations for strengthening shared governance policies and practices at the School. In carrying out its charge, the TFC strives to advance and operationalize policies and principles of shared governance that involve the collaborative participation by TSOA faculty in decisions and policies that affect their rights, responsibilities, and welfare at the School.