Arts Professor Lisa Sokolov’s new book Embodied VoiceWork: Beyond Singing was released on January 10 by Barcelona Publishers.
The book offers an introduction to the theory and practice of Embodied VoiceWork, a comprehensive method developed by Sokolov exploring vocal improvisation as an expressive language and transformational tool.
Sokolov described it as “a theoretical, practical and poetic guide to my practice I teach at NYU.”
The book is comprised of poetry, theoretical groundwork, and a practical sequence of 60 serious "games,” to serve as a resource for anyone wanting to explore their own voice and use voice as an integral part of the therapeutic process.
Sokolov—a singer, composer, and vocal music therapy pioneer—teaches vocal performance for Tisch Drama's Experimental Theatre Wing. She also teaches and performs internationally, and her recordings have won acclaim and many citations for “Best CD of the Year.”
Visit www.lisasokolov.com and www.embodiedvoicework.com for more information.