Rashaun Mitchell (Right) and Silas Riener (Left)
Rashaun Mitchell, NYU Tisch Dance's Assistant Arts Professor and Associate Chairperson collaborated with Silas Riener to create a new work entitled SWITCH as part of NY Quadrille--a series conceived, designed, and curated by Lar Lubovitch.
Joan Acocella writes about "Switch" in the November 28, 2018 issue of "The New Yorker":
“Switch,” the show that Rashaun Mitchell and Silas Riener brought to the Joyce last month, came like a summer rain: pure, cool, and sweet. When Merce Cunningham died, in 2009, Mitchell and Riener were star dancers in his company, and at the Joyce, even a decade later, they were able to remind us—concretely, in the flesh—what a huge change Cunningham made in the theory and the practice of modern dance in the second half of the twentieth century: how much cleaner and more serious he made it look. That would have been enough. You caught your breath. Here it was, still alive!"