Dance/Music Relationships in José Limón’s Chaconne

Thursday, Dec 5, 2019

Kristen Foote | Allen Fogelsanger

Kristen Foote | Allen Fogelsanger

Tisch Dance faculty members, Allen Fogelsanger and Kristen Foote, attended Il Corpo Nel Suono Conference in November!

"In this hour-long lecture/demonstration we present a choreomusical analysis of the work, and in particular aim at articulating the method of choreographic variation embodied in the dance.  We break down the choreographic components and the dance’s variations in terms of the thematic motifs, and examine how the dance relates to the musical score.  Additionally we touch upon the intersections among choreographic design, music visualization, and dancer interpretation. This compositional understanding provides a common ground from which dancers and musicians can launch original approaches to this and similar dance works. Features a live performance of Chaconne."-Allen Fogelsanger and Kristen Foote