Brianna Jones, Summer 2019

Thursday, Sep 5, 2019

Brianna Jones, Loyola Marymount University, Summer 2019, NEH

For my MIAP Summer 2019 Directed Internship, I, Brianna Jones, a graduate student in the Moving Image Archiving and Preservation [MIAP] program at New York University [NYU], was paired with Loyola Marymount University as an Audiovisual Consultant. This project can be broken down into two parts: 1.The first part of the project was to conduct a sampling condition assessment of each format housed within the Student Film Collection, five to ten per format. Besides condition, this assessment also collected administrative, descriptive, and technical metadata for each the formats where applicable. Each item assessed was assigned a temporary unique identifier, and for the film items that had an acetate base, AD Strip test were conducted to test the acidity of the films. 2.The second part of the project was to sort the unsorted sections of the archive into student films or use/popular films, and then to further separate out the Master level films (high priority films) from within the Student Film collection. It was also during this part of the project I, with permission from SFTV and Special Collections staff, deaccessioned the priority films in the archive that were deteriorated beyond conservation or rated a 2.0 or above on the AD Strip test.

Brianna Jones interned at Loyola Marymount University in Summer 2019.

Brianna Jones interned at Loyola Marymount University in Summer 2019.

Brianna Jones interned at Loyola Marymount University in Summer 2019.

Brianna Jones interned at Loyola Marymount University in Summer 2019.